Presentation Tools for the Classroom
Here are some of the tools we discussed in the webcast Tuesday. We will post the videos in the next week or two with all of the discussion about the different tools.
Video of webcast will be posted in the near future
- Peardeck- slide show type presentation that can be sent to students device and they follow along with the teacher. Questions can be inserted to slideshow
- Thinglink- you can annotate and edit images and videos to create a lesson for your students
- Prezi- Presentation tool that has a moving format that jumps from one section to the next so it is not just a basic slideshow
- Padlet- Cork-board where you can set backgrounds and post to with questions or statements from teachers or students. Or you can set it up as a webquest with information for students to look at
- Educreations- Whiteboard app where you can write, pull in pictures, edit them, and record all of it for a lesson to be used in class or for flipped classroom.
- Sock Puppets- Puppets on the screen that move their mouth with you as you speak and you can move them around to introduce a topic or teach a short lesson. When rendering the video it turns your voice into a puppet sounding voice
- Kahoot- Online quiz tool that students can log into from any device, but must be in the same room as the teacher so they know what the questions are.
- Chadderpics kids- You can take a picture and draw line through it. Where that line is, it will start to move it like a mouth when you record your voice so it looks like that object or person in the picture is talking.
- News Articles
- 5 Implementation Challenges
- Death of Internet Explorer
- Why Overwhelmed Educators should stick to these simple tech tools
Video of webcast will be posted in the near future