Tara showed us all kinds of cool tips and tricks for using web 2.0 sites and apps to engage your students in your class.
Josh mentioned creatng an alias for your google account. This is only available to your personal accounts. Open your gmail created google drive. Click the rubic's cube or waffle block on the top right in grey.
Select the admin icon. It looks like a wrench. This is not the My Account icon.
After entering your password scroll down a small bit to the account. Select Account. Scrolling halfway down you should see Alias. Click add an alias. Enter the new email username before the @ symbol and click save.
Now every email sent to that account will actually come to your main user account.
Have fun!
Select the admin icon. It looks like a wrench. This is not the My Account icon.
After entering your password scroll down a small bit to the account. Select Account. Scrolling halfway down you should see Alias. Click add an alias. Enter the new email username before the @ symbol and click save.
Now every email sent to that account will actually come to your main user account.
Have fun!